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Writer's pictureKayleigh Idea

Monthly Review: February 2021 Edition + A Character Collage

Happy March! Spring is in the air, and I don't know about you, but I can't wait for it to get warmer!

Today, I’ll be going over last month and reviewing how it went for me! I’ll also be sharing a character collage for my new project, so keep reading!

Some highlights of my month were:

  • I finished the outline for my novel! Remember the side project I mentioned last month? This is that project! (and it’s also the project, I'll be sharing the character collage for!)

  • Then I started drafting this project and hit 18k in the first draft!

  • I also posted two blog posts: My monthly review for February and my post for the Liebster Award!


In my last monthly review, I mentioned a side project that I had started outlining and on February 14th, I finished the outline! (I guess that tells you how I spent my Valentine's Day) From now on, I’ll be calling this project, Project Gorgon! This month, I also started drafting, and I hit 18k in the first draft!

Now onto the character collage for Project Gorgon!

(images found on Pinterest)

Eeek! Isn't is pretty! I'd love to know what you think about it!


In February, I read 4 books!

For school:

  • Henry V by William Shakespeare

  • The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

For fun:

  • Romancing the Beat by Gwen Hayes, which is a craft book on writing romance (I don’t write romance but I heard this book could be helpful for people who write books with romance subplots!)

  • Lore by Alexandra Bracken, which is a YA Urban Fantasy

That’s it for my February 2021 review! How did your February go? Do you have any highlights? Write or read anything? Let me know!

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Sophia Castelluccio
Sophia Castelluccio

Wow Kayleigh!! I love your collage so much!! It's so pretty!!! My February was super busy. I hope to have more time to read in March. Thanks for the update!!

Kayleigh Idea
Kayleigh Idea

Thank you so much, Sophia! I hope to have more time to read in March too. ;)


Issabelle Perry
Issabelle Perry

Kayleigh, that's sooooo cool that you've hit the 18K word count in your novel!!!!!!!! I'm soooo happy for you!!!!!!!!! *dances and throws out party streamers and piles you with cookies* And OH MY GOODNESS I ADORE YOUR COLLAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is GORGEOUS!!! My Feb was just okay. I've been soooo crazy busy lately. *sigh* I wrote a lot in my WIP, Heir to His Crown, and read a few books, and started Lord of the Rings. I'm probably gonna be in that one for a while. XD


Kayleigh Idea
Kayleigh Idea

Thank you so much, Issabelle! It means a lot! <3 That's great that you're making progress in your WIP!

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